Monday, April 14, 2008

Fantasy Impact

I was bored so I decieded to write fantasy Impact for this week

"Cross the Line"

Lockdown recap airs

impact theme

camera pans through the crowd as Teney and West welcome us to Impact, rundown the card which is:

- Black Machismo vs. Johnny Devine for the X Division Title.

- A.J. Styles and Tomko vs. LAX vs. Eric Young and Kaz in a three-way for the TNA Tag Titles.

- Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi Laveaux for the TNA Knockouts Title.

- Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3D

With Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3Da as the main event.

Samoa Joe's music hits and he walks to the ring wearing a black botton up silk dress shirt, Black dress slacks, & black dress shirts with the TNA World Heavywieght Title on his shoulder. Joe enters the ring and grabs the mic

Joe: Sunday April 13th I become the TNA World Champion, Im here to stay. Im a man of few words so I have two things I wanna say Its took me three tears to get this championship and I do not plan on losing it anytime soon so if anyone wants to test me and try to take go ahead bring it! But reast a ssured I will walk out of the challenge as the champ. The next thing I want to address is Kurt Angle, Angle we have a storied history, we do not like each other and all I want to say is there is no one else in the locker room I respect more then you. NO ONE!!! You are one tough son of a bitch who brings the best out of me everytime I step in the ring with you.

Angles music hits and he comes wearing a tan suit out walks down the ramp into the ring and grabs a mic.

Angle: Samoa Joe its no secret that I do not like you. But I do respect you, you are by far my toughest oppent in TNA, and there is nobdy else that I am proud to lose my title to you will make a great champ but when the time comes I will be champ again.

Joe: I cant wait to defend MY! title against you

Angle drops his mic and extends his hand to signal a handshake joe shakes his hand and Angle leaves the ring.

Joes music hits and he gos to one of the ring posts climbs to the top and shows his Belt to the crowd.

Scott Stieners music hits and out he come swith a mic and he talks from the enterence ramp.

Steiner: Samoa Joe you say that you will come out champ with every challenge well on May 11th there is one challenge that you will not end with that title in your hands. I WILL!!!! You see Joe I have the body of a champ (Steiner then flexes) Joe not since Dusty Rhodes has a world Champion beeen so fat, and yes Dusty was a three time world champion but he was never champ for long and niether will you Joe cuz I am the Big Booty Daddy and the Big Booty Daddy will not lose to a Samoan half breed never have never will. Do you understand Afa?


Steiner: I have never drawn I dime I was WCW World Champ defended that title in huge areanas throughout the countrys, other the TNA champ you held a so called World title from a two bit indie defended that title in gyms, armrys, and rec centers

Joe: You do not talk about Ring Of Honor like that ROH made me without ROH Samoa Jope would not be Samoa Joe and I damn sure would not be here, and WCW was never asd respected as Ring Of Honor is. By The Way Scott you held the WCW title in the last four months of WCW being Champion of a dying promotion is nothing to breg about but it is all you have.

Steiner: All I got? All I got? Ill show you what I got. And not on may 11th but tonoght right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steiner runs down the ramp and Joe runs out of the ring. They meet half way up the ramp and brawl to the back.


Were back with Jeremy Boarsch in the back with Super Eric and Kaz

JB: Super Eric KAz tonight you guys have a chance and becoming TNA tag team Champions

Super Eric: Your right JB abd you will win because even though the odds are stacked agianst us we will not give up. remember kids Super eric says no matter how tough it gets do not give up.

Kaz: enough wit h the super hwero bs its gotten old lets just go out there and become champs

A.J. Styles and Tomko vs. LAX vs. Eric Young and Kaz in a three-way for the TNA Tag Titles

LAX and Kaz & Super Eric are in the ring waiting for Tomko and Styles, Karen Angle comes out and walks into the ring

Karen: I am the new talent agent for Styles and Tomko and as Tag Team Champions they will not defend the titles on free TV, and LAX I know you are no. 1 contender sbut Rowdy street thugs have no bisnuess as chapions youy should be in jail.

Herenedaz gives Karen a border toss which brings out Tomko and Styles who brawl into the crowd with LAX.

Super is in the ring doing flexing poses and KAz snaps sctreaming out him to stop Eric just does it more, so Kaz slaps him Eric poses more so Kaz goes out of them ring grabs a chair come sinto the ring and floors Eric wit hthe chair then leaves the ring.

The match is declared a no-contest.

Angles out in the parking lot getting into a taxi cab leaving the Impact Zone

Angle: Its been fun but I leave you a broken man with his tail between his legs.

The taxi pulls out of the Impact Zone.


Styels and Tomko barg into Cornettes office

Styles: Jim make the match make it I wanna kill these cholos for what they did to my Karen.

Tomko: Make it a Street Fright

Jim: well the are the number one contenders for your Tag Team Titles so the match is already made its just a matter of when.

Styles: Make it tonight

Tomko; Aj Aj we dont do free tv matches you have to pay for this so Sacrifice, Jim

Jim: Alright then so on Maty 11th at Sacrifice we will have Tag Team Champs Tomko and AJ Styles defend against LAX in a street fight.

Tomko: Thank You

Tomko and Styles leave.

Kevin Nash, Booker T. & Matt Morgan vs. Robert Roode, Black Regin, and Rellik
MAtch is short only 4:15, Matt Morgan gives Rellik and running power power then pins him
Winners: Kevin Nash, Booker T. & Matt Morgan


Black Machismo w/ Sonjay Dutt & Val vs. Johnny Devine for the X Division Title
Match is fast paced with some exciting high spots and great story telling, the match is commercail free and goes 15 minutes, Lethal wins with a Top Rope Elbow Drop

Winner and still X-Divison Champ Jay Lethal

After the match Sonjay and Val are very excited that Jay wins and Sonjay gives Val a kiss on the check out of joy for Lethals win Jay, Lethal gets out of the ring pushes Sonjay down and Val breaks up the conflict before it can escalate.


Sting is in the ring

Sting: The Irony of this biss is it has a short term memory, Kurt Angle has been a former world cahmpion for 4 days and he is already forgotten he went home nad not a word of it is mentione don this broadcast granted it just happend but something should be said or done, yes Kurt and I dont see eye to eye but he is a great wrestler dare I say the best wrestler now that Ric Flair is retired, and he still has many years left in hima nd if I am the only one aho cares enough to bring him back so be it I will bring him back Sing walks to the back.

Rhino is doing push ups backstage wha=en Chirstain Cage come sup to talk to him

Cage: Rhino you ready for tonight

Rhino: Yes but the question is are Team 3D ready for the GORE!!! GORE!!! GORE!!!!

JB is with Team 3D

JB; Ray Devon tonight you ar ein the main event

RAy: JB im a man who loves to talk but to not I have only four words to say about my match There Will Be Blood

3D walks away


Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi Laveaux for the TNA Knockouts Title
Match goes for 7 minutes Kong wins
Winner: Awesome Kong

After the match ODB comes out hits Kong with a bat and steals her title and runs through the crowd, once Kong somes to she chases after ODB.

A creed pacakge airs with Creed talking about rhe dissapointment of not winning the X-Divion title but he says he will pick himself by the boat strap[s and win the title on another date.


The Rock and Rave Infection are performing on satge in a bar the camera pans into the crowd its empty exspect for Curryman and Shark Boy who are heckling them, Rave and Hoyt leave the stage and they fight with Curryman and Sharkie all through the bar

JAmes Micthelle is backstage: Sting Kurt Angle is a Proud man and he lost his Pride onre thing you lack Sting we will never get Angle to come back as you can not give him what he needs which is is pride back but I can so Sting I am going to be the savior of TNA bringing Angle back not you.

Karen in Backstage with a medic and Aj

Styles: Is she gonna be alright Doc

Medic; Yes she has suffered a mild concession we have to take her to the ER and she will have to stay over night

Stylers(shaking his Fist): Ill get you LAX if its the last thing I do.

Petey Willaims weariing the cahian headdress goes into Jims Office

Petie: I demand a Match with Joe next week, No one talks to Scott like that and gets away with it.

Jim: Alright ill give you the match but it is gonna be non title

Petie: I dont care just give me the match

Jim: You hace the match now get outta my office

Williams leaves

Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3D
The match is a 10 minute brawl with all 4 men bloody the match ends when James storm comes out and hits Rhino with a beer bottel when the ref was not looking

Winner: Team 3D

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