In September I did a Dipset review. In December I did a Cam'Ron review. Now im doing a Freeky Zeeky Review I try to do every month another Dipset Mixtape review and we see how that has turned out three 5 months.
1.Intro ft. Scoob Do
Some guy named Scoob Doo yells some things then Zeeky raps about shooting people and how tough he is
2.Skit ft. DukeDaGod
Just DukeDaGod yelling stuff
3.Henney ft. Max B & Sen
Cool Beat the hook is cool too the song is bout bitches weed and drinking what are these guys 19? good track all around.
4.Slow Kill ft. Jet Lag Ash, Sen & Tito Green
What the hell kind of name is Jet Lag Ash even for dipset that name is stupid but on to the track The beat is good Only if freeky could rap. Its pretty bad when Mixtape Dipset soilders are showing u up.
5.P's & O's ft. Jet Lag Ash & Tito Green
Is every Dipset mixtape supose to inroduce a new dipset member Cam introduced us to Penz this one inroduces us 2 Jet Lag Ash & Tito Green who are good rappers too bad this is Freekys mixtspe and he cant rap
6.Snails ft. Sen
This song isn't even a minute and thats most likly the reason I like it apperently that was a snippet and there will be more at the end of the mixtape. Is this a mixtape or a cd sampler?
7.730 Dip Dip ft. Jet Lag Ash, Sen, Jim Jones
This is your run of the mill Dipset harlems badboys track beat's good and like the rest of the mixtape everybody but Zeeky brings the heat even Jimmy Jones
8.Tramnoaline That Hoe ft. sen
I have decieded sen is Zeekys hook man whenever Zeek needs someone to sing on a hook he calls Sen. I dont know why Freeky is beat jacking Souljaboy and this song is worst hard to belief but its true this song is god awful
9.Da Kink ft. sen, Tito Green & Jet Lag ash
Man after that horrible track I really need Green and Ash to cheer me up and they do beat is amazing man this guys lover having sex
10.Are We Cuttin ft. Cam'ron 7 Hell rell
This track was on Cams mixtape so om just gonna cut & Paste my review from that mixtape:
I like Rell's deep voice and boy is he a good rapper Cam is a good rapper too when he wants to be, but freeky is not a rapper in the least bit he is better of just doing one or two verses on DukeDaGod Present's albums and a verse on Dipset members solo outings then trying to push a solo career as he is not good. It should also be noted that besides the intro this is the first track on disc two Penz does not a pear on and he doesn't return.
Well on this Mixtape Penz never makes an apperence
11.Give Me Some Lovin ft. Sen
I would not mind if Zeek and Zen did a collab album together as they work well together
This is the fisrt Zeeky solo track an the tape and thankfully the last
13.Wanna Fuck U Girl ft. Zen
Goddaamn they taslk to much about slutty gals who lick butts and stuff but goddamn its funny
14. B Witout Bass ft. Lil Wayne & Jha Jha
well a track with my three least favorite rappers nuff said
Stupid ass ahit with to ignat dudes in prison talking shit
16.Nike Boot 77 (Remix) ft. Lil Wayne & Max B
I dont not want to hear the fisrt song
17.Freeky Zeeky ft. Sen & Jet Leg Ash
Good song fuck Freeky why can't you hold u own on your own mixtape?
18.Nigga Like Me ft. Sen, Tito Green, & Jet Leg Ash
Sen, Tito and Ash need to srart a group as they work really good together hell wouldn't care if Freeky's in the group as he is decent when these guys are around
19.Hustler Of The Year ft. Tito Green
Titos down selling weed he's rapper now but if it fails hes going back this is a tito solo and he brings the heat
20.Everybodys Right ft. Sen, Tito Green, Jet Lag Ash
My Favorite foursome is back and they bring the heat goddamn I love when all four of these guys are amazing together they just gell right.
21.Same Bitch ft. Sen
Girl Troubles back Freeky does get retrospective it seems like his been through a cheating partner.
22.My Slide ft. Sen, Jet Leg Ash & Tito Green
Freeky likes to lick butts I can't believe how much this guys like to talk about girls
23.Daddy Home ft. Cam'ron & Juelz Santana
Best track on the mixtape Zeeky outdoes him self Cam is at his best and Juelz has a great line: She in love witme/She love r.kelly/ & I love to pee
24.Fast Lane ft. Sen & Tito Green
Well they live in the fast lane I do like this track but Daddy Home was the best way to end this mixtape
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate Freeky Zeeky I think he has no bissnous rapper with that being said for some reason the chemistry between Sen, Jet Leg Ash, Tito Green and freeky makes this Mixtape lisonable a good outing from Zeeky anybody else and this would of sucked balls