I missed the first five minutes so here goes nothing
Don Muroca vs. Some Big Black Guy
Jobber Squash Match. One thing that baffles me is that Muroca tried to go for a technicly sound match earlier on. Muroca Wins of course.
B. Brain Blairw/ Honey & Cpt. Lou Albino vs. Cutie Pie
Where did Herb Adams find all these 80's indy jobbers? So many Bee puns, too many bee puns. It seems as if Herb hired WWF Mid cards and indie joobers and made a wrestling promotion oh wait thats asacly what he did. Blair wins by submission
J.R. James vs. David Perry
J.R. James is a rebel flag waving southern bad boy and David Perry is a black man. Welcom to late 80's/earlier 90's indie wrestling. Black guy wins and crowd is happy.
Ivan Koloff vs. Steve Ray
Russians were still heels by default as the crowd chants USA. Steve Ray is the Proto Type Babyface as he is young, high fives kids, wears a jean jacket and has long blonde hair. Ivan Wins to the fans dismay.
Thats it. It was cheap, cheesey, Campy, carnie, & Corny bu by god it was so bad it was good. Move over D4L I have a new guilty pleasure.