So I havent been updating as much as I once did but im back for the time being and heres the New Project Pat video - Keep it Hood
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Rowdy Rowdy Chew Crew
Who is the Chew Crew? A rap supergroup with the intent of taking over the rap world and ridding it of all the frauds, fakes and phonies who are so prominent in the game today. In their words, they're here to chew the world...Hip hop is in a tired state, everyone claims to be a killer or a kingpin, and those who rap about what they really don't know, need to go. The Chew Crew is here to bring something new to the table. You won't hear about how many millions we have or how many gats we've busted, but you will hear about what we know, and that's how to have a good time. Drinking beer, takin daps, blowin too much money at the strip club, and everything in between...The group consists of 6 core members, with various affiliates. The Crew includes Mankynd (formerly Kracka Kokayne from the infamous Strike Team), X-Conn (also a former member of Strike Team), Dirty Don Gron, P-Juice, G-Nutt, and Bownetown. Each member brings their own unique style and characteristics to the group, but this you will soon learn...Now kick back, crack a 40, take a chew and get ready for the audio inebriation that is simply known as The Chew Crew...Get ready to chew the world.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
7/17 Impact Review
Books got an escalade Limo Book rules aonder if he lstens to Dj Screw and the SUC as hes from Houston I hope so he would be my favorite wrestler I love Houston Rap
Book comes to the ring with Sharmell the world title and apimp coat
Booker says thank you amist a you suck chant and rants bout being the greatest champ of all time
Crazy cornette comes out and hollers at book to give the belt back as he did not win it and theres gonna be a remastch at hard justice
Joe come sout in a suit
Book says some Choice words 2 Joe saying he cant beat him and trys to give the belt back to Joe
Joe theartens Book, Book apearently is wearining a rat skinned coat Joe tells book to keep the belt as he does not take hand outs Joes gonna wait till Hard Justice to take the belt backBooks in joes head Joe cant bea thim on his best day
Why wouldnt Joe just beat him up and take the belt back
Beer Money with Blonde lady Roode rants bout getting spanked its beer Moneys revenge 2night there gonna beat up vacationers then TNA fans. What TNA fans?
I raelly want to see that Hamilet 2 movie it looks graet
Ice T and Grandmaster Caz will be at Hard Justice SWEET
JB with Kaz
Kaz feels he let TNA down and makes an Amzing Red reference
Kaz vs. lil Petie Pump for the X title
Good fast pace mcth with some cool highspots cant believe Peties held the belt for 3 months There Isnt anybody else better that could hold the belt? Dont Believe that. Its been 4 years since Kaz last held the belt and Sonjays never held the belt those are two better prospects to hold the title hell Creed would be a better candidate then Make Believe Muscle. Petie wins with a roll up reversle. Caz is upset bout his koss for about 2 milisecond then its
To the back with JB Eric young pimps the first ever prince justice brootherhood meeting he threatens to kill JB if he telss anybody
Hey jackass your on camera everybody knows now
Wonder if this means Prince Justice is returning to TNA?
I also want to see Tropic thunder it also looks awesome
JB with Joe Nash shows up and says he never doubted Joe could beat Booker he did what he did to prepare Joe Joes says the whole night was about beating Booiker and he didnt Nash says Joe not Booker won the match Joe says Booker has the belt not him
West rambles bout sting
Beer Money is beating up production staff in the production truck
I also got to see Handcock I got too many movies 2 watch and too little time and too little cash
Fuckin A I also want to see the new X-Files movie
JB is in the parking lot waiting for Sting false alarm its Team 3D and Kurt Angle in Sting Masks
Sharkboy Curryman and Super Eric are conducting the first ever Prince Justice Brootherhood meeting in the parking Lot Beer Money beats them up
Rock and Rave Rockouts out Matt Morgan comes out
Matt Morgan vs. Jimmy Rave
Quik squash Morgan dominates
Lance Hoytt changed his name to Lance Rock
Matt Morgan vs. Lance Rock
Morgan Dominates early Rock getsd some offense in befor Morgan wins again
3 matches so far and 2 are Matt Morgan squashes
Cornette hollars at the Knockouts Cornette issues a #1 contenders guantlet match winner gets Taylor Wilde next week
I wanna see Step Brothers too
New talk segment debuting next week Karens Angle. OH Boy(rolls eyes)
Beer Money beats up tourists and Blodie Screams
Kurt Angle in a Sting mask and trench coat followed by TEam 3D to the ring there dressed therm same they also all have bats
Kurt says they welcome Sting into there frat after 20 years Sting finally showed his true colors WHy Sting WHy? cuz Sting is pissed off and wont take it anymore Kurt just talked to sting last night
AJ Cage and Rhino comes out
Styles says only Sting Knows why but hes not here to talk about Sting
Brother Ray talks trash
Brother Ray says they got a table match rematch at Hard Justice
Cage calls Ray silent Bob
Cage says the match will take place next week a 5 table elimanation Mtch
Cage ends with Rhino get the tables
A TNA Knockouts vidoe package airs
10 women Gauntlet match
Gail Kim and Jackie start it off
1minute intervals elimanation rules untill to gals are left then pinfall or submission
Angela Love is out
Salinas is out
Velvet Sky is out
Roxxi is out
Salinas is elimanated
Rakka Kahn is outTracy is out
Christy Hemmie is out
ODB is Out
Rakki elimanated
Christy elimanated
Tracey elimanated Odb elimanted Roxxie elimanated
Jackies elimanated
Angelove elimanated
Velvet Sky pins Kim
Sky gets Taylor next week
JB in Books dressing room
Book chooses Creed as his oppenet tonight in a strecher match also his choosing
JB in the back with Lethal and Val Jay says his beef with Dutt is over when he says its over Vals says Jay is being too hard on Sonjay
Sonjay Dutt vs. Johnny Devine vs. Eric Young
Don West has been married 4 17 years how has she put up with his coked up rambling this long?
quik little match Dutt picks up the win
Dutt and Lethal brawl double team by devine and Dutt Lethal over comes Val come sout to stop the choas Jay doesnt listen while Vals back is turned Dutt hits the ring post with a chair then tosses it to Jay Val turns around and thinks Jay hit \Dutt and is pissed at Jay
Beer Money is up to something
Beer Money out to the ring to beat up some fans
Roode rants about the people screwing with him
they lok for someone to beat up theygrab a guy and sart beating himrefs come out and get beat to they beat Scott dmore and Simon Diamond they beat up Hector pretty bad LAX makes the same Beer Money flee
JB with Kurt 3D and Tomko Kurt talks trash bout next week
Tomko is assigned to crash Karens Angle next week
Blodie with Creed who is dressed like Apollo Creed Creed is pumped about his match tonight
Main Event
Strecher Match
Booker vs. Creed
Book shows Creed the belt Boojk thinks he is the champ awesome heel move he will take any win even if he didnt offically win
Creed put up a fight and gets some offense in the crowd is hot or as hot as the impact zone can be
I wanna see Hellboy 2 also fuck it ima wait till all these movies come out on dvd then but them I also want to see the new mummy flick
Book is in charge now
Next week Motor City Machine Guys vs. Beer money in a strap match wonder who wins that
Outside the ring Book looks to end this
Book throughs Creed on the Strecher he is your winner
Book is beating Creed all the way to the ambo
Joe shows up and throughs Book in the ambo
Amd Impact is over thank God
Book comes to the ring with Sharmell the world title and apimp coat
Booker says thank you amist a you suck chant and rants bout being the greatest champ of all time
Crazy cornette comes out and hollers at book to give the belt back as he did not win it and theres gonna be a remastch at hard justice
Joe come sout in a suit
Book says some Choice words 2 Joe saying he cant beat him and trys to give the belt back to Joe
Joe theartens Book, Book apearently is wearining a rat skinned coat Joe tells book to keep the belt as he does not take hand outs Joes gonna wait till Hard Justice to take the belt backBooks in joes head Joe cant bea thim on his best day
Why wouldnt Joe just beat him up and take the belt back
Beer Money with Blonde lady Roode rants bout getting spanked its beer Moneys revenge 2night there gonna beat up vacationers then TNA fans. What TNA fans?
I raelly want to see that Hamilet 2 movie it looks graet
Ice T and Grandmaster Caz will be at Hard Justice SWEET
JB with Kaz
Kaz feels he let TNA down and makes an Amzing Red reference
Kaz vs. lil Petie Pump for the X title
Good fast pace mcth with some cool highspots cant believe Peties held the belt for 3 months There Isnt anybody else better that could hold the belt? Dont Believe that. Its been 4 years since Kaz last held the belt and Sonjays never held the belt those are two better prospects to hold the title hell Creed would be a better candidate then Make Believe Muscle. Petie wins with a roll up reversle. Caz is upset bout his koss for about 2 milisecond then its
To the back with JB Eric young pimps the first ever prince justice brootherhood meeting he threatens to kill JB if he telss anybody
Hey jackass your on camera everybody knows now
Wonder if this means Prince Justice is returning to TNA?
I also want to see Tropic thunder it also looks awesome
JB with Joe Nash shows up and says he never doubted Joe could beat Booker he did what he did to prepare Joe Joes says the whole night was about beating Booiker and he didnt Nash says Joe not Booker won the match Joe says Booker has the belt not him
West rambles bout sting
Beer Money is beating up production staff in the production truck
I also got to see Handcock I got too many movies 2 watch and too little time and too little cash
Fuckin A I also want to see the new X-Files movie
JB is in the parking lot waiting for Sting false alarm its Team 3D and Kurt Angle in Sting Masks
Sharkboy Curryman and Super Eric are conducting the first ever Prince Justice Brootherhood meeting in the parking Lot Beer Money beats them up
Rock and Rave Rockouts out Matt Morgan comes out
Matt Morgan vs. Jimmy Rave
Quik squash Morgan dominates
Lance Hoytt changed his name to Lance Rock
Matt Morgan vs. Lance Rock
Morgan Dominates early Rock getsd some offense in befor Morgan wins again
3 matches so far and 2 are Matt Morgan squashes
Cornette hollars at the Knockouts Cornette issues a #1 contenders guantlet match winner gets Taylor Wilde next week
I wanna see Step Brothers too
New talk segment debuting next week Karens Angle. OH Boy(rolls eyes)
Beer Money beats up tourists and Blodie Screams
Kurt Angle in a Sting mask and trench coat followed by TEam 3D to the ring there dressed therm same they also all have bats
Kurt says they welcome Sting into there frat after 20 years Sting finally showed his true colors WHy Sting WHy? cuz Sting is pissed off and wont take it anymore Kurt just talked to sting last night
AJ Cage and Rhino comes out
Styles says only Sting Knows why but hes not here to talk about Sting
Brother Ray talks trash
Brother Ray says they got a table match rematch at Hard Justice
Cage calls Ray silent Bob
Cage says the match will take place next week a 5 table elimanation Mtch
Cage ends with Rhino get the tables
A TNA Knockouts vidoe package airs
10 women Gauntlet match
Gail Kim and Jackie start it off
1minute intervals elimanation rules untill to gals are left then pinfall or submission
Angela Love is out
Salinas is out
Velvet Sky is out
Roxxi is out
Salinas is elimanated
Rakka Kahn is outTracy is out
Christy Hemmie is out
ODB is Out
Rakki elimanated
Christy elimanated
Tracey elimanated Odb elimanted Roxxie elimanated
Jackies elimanated
Angelove elimanated
Velvet Sky pins Kim
Sky gets Taylor next week
JB in Books dressing room
Book chooses Creed as his oppenet tonight in a strecher match also his choosing
JB in the back with Lethal and Val Jay says his beef with Dutt is over when he says its over Vals says Jay is being too hard on Sonjay
Sonjay Dutt vs. Johnny Devine vs. Eric Young
Don West has been married 4 17 years how has she put up with his coked up rambling this long?
quik little match Dutt picks up the win
Dutt and Lethal brawl double team by devine and Dutt Lethal over comes Val come sout to stop the choas Jay doesnt listen while Vals back is turned Dutt hits the ring post with a chair then tosses it to Jay Val turns around and thinks Jay hit \Dutt and is pissed at Jay
Beer Money is up to something
Beer Money out to the ring to beat up some fans
Roode rants about the people screwing with him
they lok for someone to beat up theygrab a guy and sart beating himrefs come out and get beat to they beat Scott dmore and Simon Diamond they beat up Hector pretty bad LAX makes the same Beer Money flee
JB with Kurt 3D and Tomko Kurt talks trash bout next week
Tomko is assigned to crash Karens Angle next week
Blodie with Creed who is dressed like Apollo Creed Creed is pumped about his match tonight
Main Event
Strecher Match
Booker vs. Creed
Book shows Creed the belt Boojk thinks he is the champ awesome heel move he will take any win even if he didnt offically win
Creed put up a fight and gets some offense in the crowd is hot or as hot as the impact zone can be
I wanna see Hellboy 2 also fuck it ima wait till all these movies come out on dvd then but them I also want to see the new mummy flick
Book is in charge now
Next week Motor City Machine Guys vs. Beer money in a strap match wonder who wins that
Outside the ring Book looks to end this
Book throughs Creed on the Strecher he is your winner
Book is beating Creed all the way to the ambo
Joe shows up and throughs Book in the ambo
Amd Impact is over thank God
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My First Concert

Well June 24th I went to my first concert. At the Showbox SODO in Seattle to see RZA. You see I am A huge Wu-Tang fan and wasnt able to attend Wu-Tang at Bumbershoot so I jumped at the chance to see RZA. Its Not Wu-Tang but if Wu go into it wanting Wu-Tang then why would you even go.
The first act of the night was a terrible local rap rock punk band called The Saturday Knights the less said about them the better.
The RZA's DJ DJ Kevie KEV came out asked us if we were ready for the RZA then said to Fucking bad he aint here yet. The DJ played a mix of a bunch of classic rap tunes then came a suprise appearence from Solomen Childs. Oh yeah before I forget Divine came out to speak with the DJ and I freaked out like it was RZA himself.
Solomon Rocked the stage performing 3 new songs intended for his album which is set to release in noctober which I am picking up. The He did a freestyle and accapellaed his verse from stroke of death.
RZA"s roadie Big Rio came out and introduced Stone Mecca who rocked the stage. They through a T-Shirt into the Crowd which my friend almost got into a fight over. And There keyboardest Inglewood Green in one of the sweetest people alive cool cat.
Kevie KEv played some more classic cuts the at Midnight RZA came of staged. The Doors opened at 8 and RZA arrived 4 hours later. BAcked by Kevie Kev Kinetic and The Rugged Monk of Black Knights and Poppa WU smoking a Black and Mild just hanging out onstage RZA tore the house down performing racks off his new album, old RZA solo tracks and he did a melody of Wu-Tang cuts. Some things worth mentioning During Booby Trap Dexter Wiggles came out to ssing the hook and Inglewood Green would run in place and whenever Wiggles said stop Inglewood stopped in place, Monk C-Walking during We Pop to guys dancing between the stage and the barricade during Booby Trap and RZA performing Love Jone with a busted ass gal on satge dancing and Kinetic and Kevie cracknig jokes on her. The Finally was You Cant Stop Me Now followed by RZA saying peace then RZA and the Whole Crowd singing Shimmy Shimmy Ya.
After the show as I was leaving I bought Black Knights - Every Night Is A Black Knight from Monk for 10 dollars
All in all it was a great show and im glad to call that my first concert and I am planning on going to GZA in Augest.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Kurt Angle vs. Randy Couture
With all this Kurt Angle vs. Randy Couture might happen in the Summer talk, TNA wouldnt be stupid to try to sign it for a ppv like Hard Justice. Book the show in Vegas somewhere on the strip, work out a relationship with UFC where they would interview Couture and Angle on one of there Friday Night Fights specials, and promote it on there tv shows. And on Impact TNA should promote it as a contest between to badasses trying to deciede who is better by beating the shiot out of each other. Dont book any bullshit for the angle just have Couture show up on Impact a view times to cut promos in ring with Angle, plus tape a pre match interview with Couture & Tenay to air like a week before the ppv. Also have Angle show up on the UFC 86 ppv on july 86 to challenge Couture live to the match. Which gives them enough time to promote the match before augest 10th. And I think TNA would have a better chance of drawing well if they ran at the Reno Events Center in Reno, Nevada. The city is wrestling deprived and Couture's name has drawing power. The place holds 7,500 but who knows what it would for wrestling.I think if promoted right from both sides TNA and UFC the buyrates could be over 30,000, which is TNA's average monthly ppv buyrates.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Fantasy Impact
I was bored so I decieded to write fantasy Impact for this week
"Cross the Line"
Lockdown recap airs
impact theme
camera pans through the crowd as Teney and West welcome us to Impact, rundown the card which is:
- Black Machismo vs. Johnny Devine for the X Division Title.
- A.J. Styles and Tomko vs. LAX vs. Eric Young and Kaz in a three-way for the TNA Tag Titles.
- Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi Laveaux for the TNA Knockouts Title.
- Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3D
With Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3Da as the main event.
Samoa Joe's music hits and he walks to the ring wearing a black botton up silk dress shirt, Black dress slacks, & black dress shirts with the TNA World Heavywieght Title on his shoulder. Joe enters the ring and grabs the mic
Joe: Sunday April 13th I become the TNA World Champion, Im here to stay. Im a man of few words so I have two things I wanna say Its took me three tears to get this championship and I do not plan on losing it anytime soon so if anyone wants to test me and try to take go ahead bring it! But reast a ssured I will walk out of the challenge as the champ. The next thing I want to address is Kurt Angle, Angle we have a storied history, we do not like each other and all I want to say is there is no one else in the locker room I respect more then you. NO ONE!!! You are one tough son of a bitch who brings the best out of me everytime I step in the ring with you.
Angles music hits and he comes wearing a tan suit out walks down the ramp into the ring and grabs a mic.
Angle: Samoa Joe its no secret that I do not like you. But I do respect you, you are by far my toughest oppent in TNA, and there is nobdy else that I am proud to lose my title to you will make a great champ but when the time comes I will be champ again.
Joe: I cant wait to defend MY! title against you
Angle drops his mic and extends his hand to signal a handshake joe shakes his hand and Angle leaves the ring.
Joes music hits and he gos to one of the ring posts climbs to the top and shows his Belt to the crowd.
Scott Stieners music hits and out he come swith a mic and he talks from the enterence ramp.
Steiner: Samoa Joe you say that you will come out champ with every challenge well on May 11th there is one challenge that you will not end with that title in your hands. I WILL!!!! You see Joe I have the body of a champ (Steiner then flexes) Joe not since Dusty Rhodes has a world Champion beeen so fat, and yes Dusty was a three time world champion but he was never champ for long and niether will you Joe cuz I am the Big Booty Daddy and the Big Booty Daddy will not lose to a Samoan half breed never have never will. Do you understand Afa?
Steiner: I have never drawn I dime I was WCW World Champ defended that title in huge areanas throughout the countrys, other the TNA champ you held a so called World title from a two bit indie defended that title in gyms, armrys, and rec centers
Joe: You do not talk about Ring Of Honor like that ROH made me without ROH Samoa Jope would not be Samoa Joe and I damn sure would not be here, and WCW was never asd respected as Ring Of Honor is. By The Way Scott you held the WCW title in the last four months of WCW being Champion of a dying promotion is nothing to breg about but it is all you have.
Steiner: All I got? All I got? Ill show you what I got. And not on may 11th but tonoght right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steiner runs down the ramp and Joe runs out of the ring. They meet half way up the ramp and brawl to the back.
Were back with Jeremy Boarsch in the back with Super Eric and Kaz
JB: Super Eric KAz tonight you guys have a chance and becoming TNA tag team Champions
Super Eric: Your right JB abd you will win because even though the odds are stacked agianst us we will not give up. remember kids Super eric says no matter how tough it gets do not give up.
Kaz: enough wit h the super hwero bs its gotten old lets just go out there and become champs
A.J. Styles and Tomko vs. LAX vs. Eric Young and Kaz in a three-way for the TNA Tag Titles
LAX and Kaz & Super Eric are in the ring waiting for Tomko and Styles, Karen Angle comes out and walks into the ring
Karen: I am the new talent agent for Styles and Tomko and as Tag Team Champions they will not defend the titles on free TV, and LAX I know you are no. 1 contender sbut Rowdy street thugs have no bisnuess as chapions youy should be in jail.
Herenedaz gives Karen a border toss which brings out Tomko and Styles who brawl into the crowd with LAX.
Super is in the ring doing flexing poses and KAz snaps sctreaming out him to stop Eric just does it more, so Kaz slaps him Eric poses more so Kaz goes out of them ring grabs a chair come sinto the ring and floors Eric wit hthe chair then leaves the ring.
The match is declared a no-contest.
Angles out in the parking lot getting into a taxi cab leaving the Impact Zone
Angle: Its been fun but I leave you a broken man with his tail between his legs.
The taxi pulls out of the Impact Zone.
Styels and Tomko barg into Cornettes office
Styles: Jim make the match make it I wanna kill these cholos for what they did to my Karen.
Tomko: Make it a Street Fright
Jim: well the are the number one contenders for your Tag Team Titles so the match is already made its just a matter of when.
Styles: Make it tonight
Tomko; Aj Aj we dont do free tv matches you have to pay for this so Sacrifice, Jim
Jim: Alright then so on Maty 11th at Sacrifice we will have Tag Team Champs Tomko and AJ Styles defend against LAX in a street fight.
Tomko: Thank You
Tomko and Styles leave.
Kevin Nash, Booker T. & Matt Morgan vs. Robert Roode, Black Regin, and Rellik
MAtch is short only 4:15, Matt Morgan gives Rellik and running power power then pins him
Winners: Kevin Nash, Booker T. & Matt Morgan
Black Machismo w/ Sonjay Dutt & Val vs. Johnny Devine for the X Division Title
Match is fast paced with some exciting high spots and great story telling, the match is commercail free and goes 15 minutes, Lethal wins with a Top Rope Elbow Drop
Winner and still X-Divison Champ Jay Lethal
After the match Sonjay and Val are very excited that Jay wins and Sonjay gives Val a kiss on the check out of joy for Lethals win Jay, Lethal gets out of the ring pushes Sonjay down and Val breaks up the conflict before it can escalate.
Sting is in the ring
Sting: The Irony of this biss is it has a short term memory, Kurt Angle has been a former world cahmpion for 4 days and he is already forgotten he went home nad not a word of it is mentione don this broadcast granted it just happend but something should be said or done, yes Kurt and I dont see eye to eye but he is a great wrestler dare I say the best wrestler now that Ric Flair is retired, and he still has many years left in hima nd if I am the only one aho cares enough to bring him back so be it I will bring him back Sing walks to the back.
Rhino is doing push ups backstage wha=en Chirstain Cage come sup to talk to him
Cage: Rhino you ready for tonight
Rhino: Yes but the question is are Team 3D ready for the GORE!!! GORE!!! GORE!!!!
JB is with Team 3D
JB; Ray Devon tonight you ar ein the main event
RAy: JB im a man who loves to talk but to not I have only four words to say about my match There Will Be Blood
3D walks away
Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi Laveaux for the TNA Knockouts Title
Match goes for 7 minutes Kong wins
Winner: Awesome Kong
After the match ODB comes out hits Kong with a bat and steals her title and runs through the crowd, once Kong somes to she chases after ODB.
A creed pacakge airs with Creed talking about rhe dissapointment of not winning the X-Divion title but he says he will pick himself by the boat strap[s and win the title on another date.
The Rock and Rave Infection are performing on satge in a bar the camera pans into the crowd its empty exspect for Curryman and Shark Boy who are heckling them, Rave and Hoyt leave the stage and they fight with Curryman and Sharkie all through the bar
JAmes Micthelle is backstage: Sting Kurt Angle is a Proud man and he lost his Pride onre thing you lack Sting we will never get Angle to come back as you can not give him what he needs which is is pride back but I can so Sting I am going to be the savior of TNA bringing Angle back not you.
Karen in Backstage with a medic and Aj
Styles: Is she gonna be alright Doc
Medic; Yes she has suffered a mild concession we have to take her to the ER and she will have to stay over night
Stylers(shaking his Fist): Ill get you LAX if its the last thing I do.
Petey Willaims weariing the cahian headdress goes into Jims Office
Petie: I demand a Match with Joe next week, No one talks to Scott like that and gets away with it.
Jim: Alright ill give you the match but it is gonna be non title
Petie: I dont care just give me the match
Jim: You hace the match now get outta my office
Williams leaves
Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3D
The match is a 10 minute brawl with all 4 men bloody the match ends when James storm comes out and hits Rhino with a beer bottel when the ref was not looking
Winner: Team 3D
"Cross the Line"
Lockdown recap airs
impact theme
camera pans through the crowd as Teney and West welcome us to Impact, rundown the card which is:
- Black Machismo vs. Johnny Devine for the X Division Title.
- A.J. Styles and Tomko vs. LAX vs. Eric Young and Kaz in a three-way for the TNA Tag Titles.
- Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi Laveaux for the TNA Knockouts Title.
- Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3D
With Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3Da as the main event.
Samoa Joe's music hits and he walks to the ring wearing a black botton up silk dress shirt, Black dress slacks, & black dress shirts with the TNA World Heavywieght Title on his shoulder. Joe enters the ring and grabs the mic
Joe: Sunday April 13th I become the TNA World Champion, Im here to stay. Im a man of few words so I have two things I wanna say Its took me three tears to get this championship and I do not plan on losing it anytime soon so if anyone wants to test me and try to take go ahead bring it! But reast a ssured I will walk out of the challenge as the champ. The next thing I want to address is Kurt Angle, Angle we have a storied history, we do not like each other and all I want to say is there is no one else in the locker room I respect more then you. NO ONE!!! You are one tough son of a bitch who brings the best out of me everytime I step in the ring with you.
Angles music hits and he comes wearing a tan suit out walks down the ramp into the ring and grabs a mic.
Angle: Samoa Joe its no secret that I do not like you. But I do respect you, you are by far my toughest oppent in TNA, and there is nobdy else that I am proud to lose my title to you will make a great champ but when the time comes I will be champ again.
Joe: I cant wait to defend MY! title against you
Angle drops his mic and extends his hand to signal a handshake joe shakes his hand and Angle leaves the ring.
Joes music hits and he gos to one of the ring posts climbs to the top and shows his Belt to the crowd.
Scott Stieners music hits and out he come swith a mic and he talks from the enterence ramp.
Steiner: Samoa Joe you say that you will come out champ with every challenge well on May 11th there is one challenge that you will not end with that title in your hands. I WILL!!!! You see Joe I have the body of a champ (Steiner then flexes) Joe not since Dusty Rhodes has a world Champion beeen so fat, and yes Dusty was a three time world champion but he was never champ for long and niether will you Joe cuz I am the Big Booty Daddy and the Big Booty Daddy will not lose to a Samoan half breed never have never will. Do you understand Afa?
Steiner: I have never drawn I dime I was WCW World Champ defended that title in huge areanas throughout the countrys, other the TNA champ you held a so called World title from a two bit indie defended that title in gyms, armrys, and rec centers
Joe: You do not talk about Ring Of Honor like that ROH made me without ROH Samoa Jope would not be Samoa Joe and I damn sure would not be here, and WCW was never asd respected as Ring Of Honor is. By The Way Scott you held the WCW title in the last four months of WCW being Champion of a dying promotion is nothing to breg about but it is all you have.
Steiner: All I got? All I got? Ill show you what I got. And not on may 11th but tonoght right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steiner runs down the ramp and Joe runs out of the ring. They meet half way up the ramp and brawl to the back.
Were back with Jeremy Boarsch in the back with Super Eric and Kaz
JB: Super Eric KAz tonight you guys have a chance and becoming TNA tag team Champions
Super Eric: Your right JB abd you will win because even though the odds are stacked agianst us we will not give up. remember kids Super eric says no matter how tough it gets do not give up.
Kaz: enough wit h the super hwero bs its gotten old lets just go out there and become champs
A.J. Styles and Tomko vs. LAX vs. Eric Young and Kaz in a three-way for the TNA Tag Titles
LAX and Kaz & Super Eric are in the ring waiting for Tomko and Styles, Karen Angle comes out and walks into the ring
Karen: I am the new talent agent for Styles and Tomko and as Tag Team Champions they will not defend the titles on free TV, and LAX I know you are no. 1 contender sbut Rowdy street thugs have no bisnuess as chapions youy should be in jail.
Herenedaz gives Karen a border toss which brings out Tomko and Styles who brawl into the crowd with LAX.
Super is in the ring doing flexing poses and KAz snaps sctreaming out him to stop Eric just does it more, so Kaz slaps him Eric poses more so Kaz goes out of them ring grabs a chair come sinto the ring and floors Eric wit hthe chair then leaves the ring.
The match is declared a no-contest.
Angles out in the parking lot getting into a taxi cab leaving the Impact Zone
Angle: Its been fun but I leave you a broken man with his tail between his legs.
The taxi pulls out of the Impact Zone.
Styels and Tomko barg into Cornettes office
Styles: Jim make the match make it I wanna kill these cholos for what they did to my Karen.
Tomko: Make it a Street Fright
Jim: well the are the number one contenders for your Tag Team Titles so the match is already made its just a matter of when.
Styles: Make it tonight
Tomko; Aj Aj we dont do free tv matches you have to pay for this so Sacrifice, Jim
Jim: Alright then so on Maty 11th at Sacrifice we will have Tag Team Champs Tomko and AJ Styles defend against LAX in a street fight.
Tomko: Thank You
Tomko and Styles leave.
Kevin Nash, Booker T. & Matt Morgan vs. Robert Roode, Black Regin, and Rellik
MAtch is short only 4:15, Matt Morgan gives Rellik and running power power then pins him
Winners: Kevin Nash, Booker T. & Matt Morgan
Black Machismo w/ Sonjay Dutt & Val vs. Johnny Devine for the X Division Title
Match is fast paced with some exciting high spots and great story telling, the match is commercail free and goes 15 minutes, Lethal wins with a Top Rope Elbow Drop
Winner and still X-Divison Champ Jay Lethal
After the match Sonjay and Val are very excited that Jay wins and Sonjay gives Val a kiss on the check out of joy for Lethals win Jay, Lethal gets out of the ring pushes Sonjay down and Val breaks up the conflict before it can escalate.
Sting is in the ring
Sting: The Irony of this biss is it has a short term memory, Kurt Angle has been a former world cahmpion for 4 days and he is already forgotten he went home nad not a word of it is mentione don this broadcast granted it just happend but something should be said or done, yes Kurt and I dont see eye to eye but he is a great wrestler dare I say the best wrestler now that Ric Flair is retired, and he still has many years left in hima nd if I am the only one aho cares enough to bring him back so be it I will bring him back Sing walks to the back.
Rhino is doing push ups backstage wha=en Chirstain Cage come sup to talk to him
Cage: Rhino you ready for tonight
Rhino: Yes but the question is are Team 3D ready for the GORE!!! GORE!!! GORE!!!!
JB is with Team 3D
JB; Ray Devon tonight you ar ein the main event
RAy: JB im a man who loves to talk but to not I have only four words to say about my match There Will Be Blood
3D walks away
Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi Laveaux for the TNA Knockouts Title
Match goes for 7 minutes Kong wins
Winner: Awesome Kong
After the match ODB comes out hits Kong with a bat and steals her title and runs through the crowd, once Kong somes to she chases after ODB.
A creed pacakge airs with Creed talking about rhe dissapointment of not winning the X-Divion title but he says he will pick himself by the boat strap[s and win the title on another date.
The Rock and Rave Infection are performing on satge in a bar the camera pans into the crowd its empty exspect for Curryman and Shark Boy who are heckling them, Rave and Hoyt leave the stage and they fight with Curryman and Sharkie all through the bar
JAmes Micthelle is backstage: Sting Kurt Angle is a Proud man and he lost his Pride onre thing you lack Sting we will never get Angle to come back as you can not give him what he needs which is is pride back but I can so Sting I am going to be the savior of TNA bringing Angle back not you.
Karen in Backstage with a medic and Aj
Styles: Is she gonna be alright Doc
Medic; Yes she has suffered a mild concession we have to take her to the ER and she will have to stay over night
Stylers(shaking his Fist): Ill get you LAX if its the last thing I do.
Petey Willaims weariing the cahian headdress goes into Jims Office
Petie: I demand a Match with Joe next week, No one talks to Scott like that and gets away with it.
Jim: Alright ill give you the match but it is gonna be non title
Petie: I dont care just give me the match
Jim: You hace the match now get outta my office
Williams leaves
Christian Cage and Rhino vs. Team 3D
The match is a 10 minute brawl with all 4 men bloody the match ends when James storm comes out and hits Rhino with a beer bottel when the ref was not looking
Winner: Team 3D
Monday, March 24, 2008
Team WWF Promo
I love this promo these guys still have it. This from the Chikara king of Trios 08 night 2
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Hardy Suspended

Hardy Hardy Hardy what will we do with you. You were in the middle of a huge push and most likly gonna get the briefcase then you fuck up. I dont think Jeff is doing Meth agian but i do think he has a pain pill addiction as he must have the body of a 70 year men will all the fucking bumps that man has taken. Well I hope Hardy gets healthy sober and stays that way. As for who taking the Money in the bank its either Kennedy and they will give him a legit push this time and he wins the blet and Survior Seris or They will give it to MVP who will drop the US belt to someone mybe Punk or Benjermen and I say he cashes his shot in at Summerslam.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
New RZA as Bobby Digital coming this summer
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Agianst All Odds Predictions

Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage for the TNA title with Samoa Joe as ringside enforce
Kurt keeps the belt he's not dropping the title to Christian I can't see that happing
Team 3-D & Johnny Devine vs. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley & Jay Lethal - If Team 3-D wins, the X Division disbands. If they lose, they can't wrestle in TNA unless they both get under 275 pounds
I'm putting my money on MCMG and Lethal as I can't see TNA getting rid of the x-division
A.J. Styles & Tomko vs. Bob Armstrong & B.G. James for tag titles
I see Styles and Tomko bickering throughout the match and Bullet Bob & B.G. win the tag straps
Booker T vs. Robert Roode
Put the World Title on Booker T. already this fued is boring, Booker wins
Awesome Kong vs. ODB for the knockouts title
Kong wins but ODB steals the belt
Abyss vs. Judas Mesias in a barbed wire massacre match (this match was pre-taped in Orlando at the last tapings)
No real prediction Abyss won
Scott Steiner vs. Petey Williams - winner gets both a TNA title and X Division title match
I see Stiener winning and wrestling Kurt Angle in a cage at Lockdown
Eric Young vs. James Storm for the TNA drinking championship in a wrestling match. Make sense out of that one
I would mark out so bad if Eric Young cailmed injury and The Sandman was his sub, that will not happen but I'm betting Young wins
Traci Brooks vs. Peyton Banks
Don't care
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Freeky Zeeky Blame It On The Henny Review

In September I did a Dipset review. In December I did a Cam'Ron review. Now im doing a Freeky Zeeky Review I try to do every month another Dipset Mixtape review and we see how that has turned out three 5 months.
1.Intro ft. Scoob Do
Some guy named Scoob Doo yells some things then Zeeky raps about shooting people and how tough he is
2.Skit ft. DukeDaGod
Just DukeDaGod yelling stuff
3.Henney ft. Max B & Sen
Cool Beat the hook is cool too the song is bout bitches weed and drinking what are these guys 19? good track all around.
4.Slow Kill ft. Jet Lag Ash, Sen & Tito Green
What the hell kind of name is Jet Lag Ash even for dipset that name is stupid but on to the track The beat is good Only if freeky could rap. Its pretty bad when Mixtape Dipset soilders are showing u up.
5.P's & O's ft. Jet Lag Ash & Tito Green
Is every Dipset mixtape supose to inroduce a new dipset member Cam introduced us to Penz this one inroduces us 2 Jet Lag Ash & Tito Green who are good rappers too bad this is Freekys mixtspe and he cant rap
6.Snails ft. Sen
This song isn't even a minute and thats most likly the reason I like it apperently that was a snippet and there will be more at the end of the mixtape. Is this a mixtape or a cd sampler?
7.730 Dip Dip ft. Jet Lag Ash, Sen, Jim Jones
This is your run of the mill Dipset harlems badboys track beat's good and like the rest of the mixtape everybody but Zeeky brings the heat even Jimmy Jones
8.Tramnoaline That Hoe ft. sen
I have decieded sen is Zeekys hook man whenever Zeek needs someone to sing on a hook he calls Sen. I dont know why Freeky is beat jacking Souljaboy and this song is worst hard to belief but its true this song is god awful
9.Da Kink ft. sen, Tito Green & Jet Lag ash
Man after that horrible track I really need Green and Ash to cheer me up and they do beat is amazing man this guys lover having sex
10.Are We Cuttin ft. Cam'ron 7 Hell rell
This track was on Cams mixtape so om just gonna cut & Paste my review from that mixtape:
I like Rell's deep voice and boy is he a good rapper Cam is a good rapper too when he wants to be, but freeky is not a rapper in the least bit he is better of just doing one or two verses on DukeDaGod Present's albums and a verse on Dipset members solo outings then trying to push a solo career as he is not good. It should also be noted that besides the intro this is the first track on disc two Penz does not a pear on and he doesn't return.
Well on this Mixtape Penz never makes an apperence
11.Give Me Some Lovin ft. Sen
I would not mind if Zeek and Zen did a collab album together as they work well together
This is the fisrt Zeeky solo track an the tape and thankfully the last
13.Wanna Fuck U Girl ft. Zen
Goddaamn they taslk to much about slutty gals who lick butts and stuff but goddamn its funny
14. B Witout Bass ft. Lil Wayne & Jha Jha
well a track with my three least favorite rappers nuff said
Stupid ass ahit with to ignat dudes in prison talking shit
16.Nike Boot 77 (Remix) ft. Lil Wayne & Max B
I dont not want to hear the fisrt song
17.Freeky Zeeky ft. Sen & Jet Leg Ash
Good song fuck Freeky why can't you hold u own on your own mixtape?
18.Nigga Like Me ft. Sen, Tito Green, & Jet Leg Ash
Sen, Tito and Ash need to srart a group as they work really good together hell wouldn't care if Freeky's in the group as he is decent when these guys are around
19.Hustler Of The Year ft. Tito Green
Titos down selling weed he's rapper now but if it fails hes going back this is a tito solo and he brings the heat
20.Everybodys Right ft. Sen, Tito Green, Jet Lag Ash
My Favorite foursome is back and they bring the heat goddamn I love when all four of these guys are amazing together they just gell right.
21.Same Bitch ft. Sen
Girl Troubles back Freeky does get retrospective it seems like his been through a cheating partner.
22.My Slide ft. Sen, Jet Leg Ash & Tito Green
Freeky likes to lick butts I can't believe how much this guys like to talk about girls
23.Daddy Home ft. Cam'ron & Juelz Santana
Best track on the mixtape Zeeky outdoes him self Cam is at his best and Juelz has a great line: She in love witme/She love r.kelly/ & I love to pee
24.Fast Lane ft. Sen & Tito Green
Well they live in the fast lane I do like this track but Daddy Home was the best way to end this mixtape
I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate Freeky Zeeky I think he has no bissnous rapper with that being said for some reason the chemistry between Sen, Jet Leg Ash, Tito Green and freeky makes this Mixtape lisonable a good outing from Zeeky anybody else and this would of sucked balls
Monday, January 28, 2008
John Cean Returns
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
07 Awards: Wrestling Match of The Year & Rap ALbum Of The Year
Tommorrow will be Best Indie match and Best Mixtape.
Wrestling MAtch Of The Year:
This match had it all Lepercohns, Injuries, Ken Kennedy, The Hardy Brothers I just love this match
Rap Album Of The Year:
Great Beats Stroytelling and the best guest spots from Rea and Meth in years its not Fishscale but its damn near close.
Wrestling MAtch Of The Year:
This match had it all Lepercohns, Injuries, Ken Kennedy, The Hardy Brothers I just love this match
Rap Album Of The Year:

Great Beats Stroytelling and the best guest spots from Rea and Meth in years its not Fishscale but its damn near close.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
07 wrestleand Rap awards: Best wrestler Best Rapper
Everyday or everyday I remember I will give a wrestling related and rap related award out in a catagory. First up Best Wrestler and Rapper, next time Best Wrestling match and Best Rap album
Wrestler of the Year:
Let the hate begin. I know he is past his prim and he Only wrestled six matches (1 on heat and 5 on Raw) but he got over yelling Damn! and word ryhmning with Damn and he was more entertaining then 3/4's of the RAW roster and while he won't put Butts in seats anymore he was funny and over in 07 and has only siad one which makes him my wrestler year.
Rapper of the Year:
Big Doe rehab is my Rap Album of the year but more on that later, Ghost wins because he all through his album he brings the heat and his stroytelling has only gotten better with age and to qoute Hack from the DVDVR board "my vote goes to Ghost for one reason and one reason only: "I brought my bitch out to pathmark, she pushin the cart, headed to aisle 4, damn, I spilled milk on my Clark's, that's what I get, not focusin' from hittin' that bomb". Something about that entire verse made me pull my '95 Bonneville over to the side of the road and scream out in ecstatic joy that, in this crazy world we call rap where a rapper drops a sex with grandparents hit and then disappears forever, Ghost is still as hot as he was, if not hotter, than the moment he stepped on the scene over a decade ago." I couldn't say it any better my self.
Wordt Wrestler of the year:
Wrestler of the Year:

Let the hate begin. I know he is past his prim and he Only wrestled six matches (1 on heat and 5 on Raw) but he got over yelling Damn! and word ryhmning with Damn and he was more entertaining then 3/4's of the RAW roster and while he won't put Butts in seats anymore he was funny and over in 07 and has only siad one which makes him my wrestler year.
Rapper of the Year:

Big Doe rehab is my Rap Album of the year but more on that later, Ghost wins because he all through his album he brings the heat and his stroytelling has only gotten better with age and to qoute Hack from the DVDVR board "my vote goes to Ghost for one reason and one reason only: "I brought my bitch out to pathmark, she pushin the cart, headed to aisle 4, damn, I spilled milk on my Clark's, that's what I get, not focusin' from hittin' that bomb". Something about that entire verse made me pull my '95 Bonneville over to the side of the road and scream out in ecstatic joy that, in this crazy world we call rap where a rapper drops a sex with grandparents hit and then disappears forever, Ghost is still as hot as he was, if not hotter, than the moment he stepped on the scene over a decade ago." I couldn't say it any better my self.
Wordt Wrestler of the year:
Thursday, January 10, 2008
UWF Wrestling on ESPN Classic Review

I missed the first five minutes so here goes nothing
Don Muroca vs. Some Big Black Guy
Jobber Squash Match. One thing that baffles me is that Muroca tried to go for a technicly sound match earlier on. Muroca Wins of course.
B. Brain Blairw/ Honey & Cpt. Lou Albino vs. Cutie Pie
Where did Herb Adams find all these 80's indy jobbers? So many Bee puns, too many bee puns. It seems as if Herb hired WWF Mid cards and indie joobers and made a wrestling promotion oh wait thats asacly what he did. Blair wins by submission
J.R. James vs. David Perry
J.R. James is a rebel flag waving southern bad boy and David Perry is a black man. Welcom to late 80's/earlier 90's indie wrestling. Black guy wins and crowd is happy.
Ivan Koloff vs. Steve Ray
Russians were still heels by default as the crowd chants USA. Steve Ray is the Proto Type Babyface as he is young, high fives kids, wears a jean jacket and has long blonde hair. Ivan Wins to the fans dismay.
Thats it. It was cheap, cheesey, Campy, carnie, & Corny bu by god it was so bad it was good. Move over D4L I have a new guilty pleasure.
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